
How To Catch Students Cheating With Cell Phones

If you are a teacher, you've probably had the unpleasant task of ensuring that students do not cheat on tests or exams. With all the pressures facing students trying to get good grades, the temptation to cheat has become higher than ever. This temptation is Led Light even greater due to advances in cell phone technology that makes it simple enough for students or store notes or communicate with each other via cell phones during a test or exam.For teachers looking to capture or prevent students cheating with cell phones during the exam, here are some ways you can help. Just remember that no method is foolproof, and it is better to use a combination of these techniques:1. Ban cell phones in class all day trial - Some schools are opposed to students having cell Led h4 phones in the school building at all during the school day. Other schools that students leave cell phones in their lockers during the day, allowing only check between classes or during lunch. Some other schools allow students to keep the phone on his person, but far from his pocket, purse or backpack. As a teacher on test day, one of the best ways to keep students from cheating on their cell phones is simply not allowed in the room. This should help keep the vast majority of cheating down, and students know that even be seen with a phone on test Led h8 market day.2. Be diligent in walking around the room during the test-This simple technique is often underutilized. Walking through a classroom during testing is one of the easiest ways to prevent and detect cheating. During a test of 60 minute walk every 5-10 minutes is useful, but still offers students an opportunity to cheat while sitting. Wear comfortable shoes and be prepared to walk, or at least stand near the students throughout the duration of the test. Do not give even a 1-2 minute window of opportunity to cheat by using their mobile phones.3. Use a cell phone detector devices for detecting the cell phone use - This is the most high-tech methods to detect cheating, but when used in conjunction with the other two techniques can make it virtually impossible for students use their cell phones to cheat during an exam. A cell phone detector is a handheld device the size of a deck of cards that will give you the ability to detect whether a cell phone is being used in the detection range, which can be adjusted to suit any kind of large or small. Simply turn the cell phone detector, and each time a cell phone is in use in the classroom, the detector silent or vibrate or sound an alarm sound with headphones included (depending on the setting that was made.)You can even adjust the detection range as you walk around, so you can hone in on the exact location of cell phone use during class.

